Welcome to the CDEP Search Program
Find the materials you need.Locate the shop that carries the right type of paint. Select the right colors for your tiles. Feel free to find what you’re looking for.
This is the tagline for CDEP’s new project, the CDEP Search, which aims to collate resources and their respective information. This catalog of products will be a great help for students and professionals to obtain the most appropriate material/resource for their project as well as involve their clients in making an informed decision. The CDEP Search program also invites local producers to have their local indigenous materials to be listed and cataloged. This milestone project will allow CDEP to extend its services in this digital age by acting as a portal for both clients and designers.This creative design database will be a free service for everyone, and for those who are registered CDEP user, they will enjoy additional premium services .
Tags: Catalog, CDEP, Design, Designers, Partners, Products, Search, Sponsors