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  • CDEP is the premier review center for the design profession. CDEP has consistently produced top notchers and board passers, setting up the next generation of professionals for success in their respective fields.

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  • We've been in the industry for 10 years. Its about time we publish what we've learned and share it to everyone. We understand that knowledge is meant to be shared. Think of this as our way of paying it forward.

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  • We've been in the industry for 10 years. Its about time we publish what we've learned and share it to everyone. We understand that knowledge is meant to be shared. Think of this as our way of paying it forward.

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Generate Knowledge. Learn with the best.

CDEP's main function is to GENERATE, PROCESS and DISSEMINATE KNOWLEDGE through seminars, training workshops, expositions, and publication, for the benefit of design practitioners, researchers, and students of the DESIGNED ENVIRONMENT.